Society Governance
The Marion Polk Dental Society is a non-profit membership organization. We are a component society of the Oregon Dental Association (ODA) and the American Dental Association (ADA). Our membership comprises active and retired dentists in Marion County and Polk County, Oregon. Each year, the membership meets to elect members to service as officers and members of the Executive Board. The day-to-day operations of the society are overseen by the Executive Director, the only paid-staff member.
There are three officers of the Society, the President, Vice President, and Treasurer-Secretary. The President and Vice President serve one-year terms beginning August 1 of each year and ending on July 31 of the following year. The Treasurer-Secretary is elected in even-numbered years and serves a two-year term beginning on August 1 and ending on July 31 of the biennium.
Executive Boards
The Executive Board comprises the Officers of the Society plus two at-large members. Each at-large member serves a two-year term, and members are elected in staggered years. At-Large Member 1 is elected in even-numbered years, and At-Large Member 2 is elected in odd-numbered years.
Executive Director
The Executive Director oversees the day-to-day operations of the Society, including education, sponsorships, and acts as liaison between the public and member dentists.
A copy of the most current bylaws is available to all members upon request. Please contact the Executive Director for a copy.